Please Stop Saying "This is for Babies"

May I ask you for a favour? Let's stop telling our kids that strollers are for babies, or refuse to help feed them because "they're not babies," or say "I won't pick you up, you're not a baby," or declare sippy cups as baby only gear. I understand the intent is to encourage our kids towards independence and embracing their growth and desire to be a "big kid". But these aids aren't exclusively for babies. Many disabled children and adults rely on these forms of assistance.

Comments that these tools are just for babies can deeply hurt. Evan, like many kids facing similar challenges, has been stung by these remarks more times than I can count, both from peers and adults. Thankfully, he's reaching a point where he understands these tools help level the playing field for him, giving him the same opportunities as others. But it's heart-wrenching when such comments chip away at a child's spirit.

Children with disabilities face more obstacles in a day than many encounter during their entire childhood. Help create a community that recognizes the value and normalcy of these aids for anyone who needs them. Teach our children that assistance isn’t about being “babyish,” it's about access and participation for all.


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