A Letter to My Oldest Son
In this letter to my oldest son, I open up about our struggle to understand his pain, the mistakes I made, and how sorry I am. It’s been a tough journey, but I’m here for him now, more than ever.
How We Prepare for Doctor Visits From Head to Toe
Learn how we ensure thorough preparation for medical appointments, covering every detail. We want to make sure every visit counts and we don’t walk away with regret.
No Means No, Right?
If it's not a choice, don't give a choice. When it comes to medical exams or procedures that are non-negotiable, presenting them as a choice can be confusing for kids.
Please Stop Saying "This is for Babies"
Enough with the "baby" talk! Let's recognize the value of these tools for everyone who needs them, regardless of age.
What Rattles a Doctor?
No one understands a medical condition like a parent whose child has been diagnosed with one. This is a reality that can challenge even the most experienced doctors…
Illnesses Are Not a Contest
Navigating life with a child who has a chronic pain condition is a journey that's often hard for outsiders to grasp. Yet, people outside our experience often have plenty to say.
AFOs, Compression Clothing, and Bracing
Orthotics, compression clothing, and bracing can be invaluable for providing the necessary external support to those with hypermobility, significantly enhancing their activity levels and quality of life.
Socks Only? Indoor Playgrounds & AFOs
Sometimes you need to break the rules for inclusion. How to get around the Socks Only rule at the indoor playgrounds if your child has orthotics.
Hot Topic Alert: Off-Label Medication
Before we make blanket statements, let’s remember: behind each prescription, there’s a story, a person struggling, a family making tough calls for the right reasons.
School Field Trips: Disability and Accessibility
When planning field trips, inclusivity should be a priority, not an afterthought. If one student can’t participate, choose a different activity. With plenty of accessible options available, finding a suitable alternative is not only possible, but necessary, to ensure all the kids can enjoy and learn together.